Monday, November 5, 2012

Everyone Eventually Comes Back to Their Roots

Chloe Lucy and cho cho are now living with me again (: it's been so so fun having my adorable baby niece there all the time! I love her oh so so much (: with all her little giggles and silly noises!! And it has just been announced that Lucy is pregnant again!!! YAY!(: I am going to have another niece/nephew!!!(:

Fun fun date :D

So pretty much went on a super duper fun date with actually my ex boyfriend Jeff (: I had such a good time!!!<3 there were 4 couples: Clifford and Kylie, lex and mackay, jake and Lexi, and me and Jeff (: we went bowling and that was an experience all on its own haha!!:D then we went to draper park and broke glow sticks onto tennis balls and hit them oh so far into the air! Like shooting stars (: (: and ofcourse it broke up into a huge glow stick war, talk about covered head to toe in assorted glowing colors (: haha then to subzero for yummy nummy ice cream !!(: xoxo great night